My Playlist!

Helping the needy... as Christians.

8:45 AM / Posted by Citizen David /

[Excerpt from my Facebook note entry]

So I thought of starting my first note entry as everyone seems to be catching on the trend of writing notes into Facebook!? That's what Blogs are for!

Anyway, I would like to start off by asking; what would you do if you saw a homeless person on the corner of a street, holding up a sign reading: "HELP NEEDED! Feeding hungry FAMILY". Would you pass them without hesitating for a second? Or would you keep them in your sight to the corner of your eye just before turning your back on them, continuing to your destination? And finally, how do you know they are genuinely going to spend the money on essential human needs rather than drugs and alcohol?

In the Bible, a very wealthy man approached Jesus asking what it takes to achieve eternal life. One of the main points Jesus mentions is to "...sell your possessions and give to the poor, and then you will have treasure in heaven" (Matt 19:21). After the man heard this, he went away sad because he possessed great wealth. Then Jesus told his disciples that it is difficult to have eternal life when you are rich. This is very true in our society, as money is the root of all evil. Jesus continues - that the ONLY way to enter the kingdom of heaven is to follow Jesus.
Proverbs 13:7 "One person pretends to be rich, yet has nothing; another pretends to be poor, yet has great wealth". In this context, 'great wealth' does not necessarily mean a large sum of money, but rather to the notion that 'great wealth' means OPPORTUNITY. Opportunity to raise yourself from the slums of the Devil, trying to hold you back down where he wants you to belong. This could mean trapped in the barb wire of alcholism, drug addiction, theft etc... Based on Prov 13:7, homeless people, particularly in cities, may have very well used the money you have given, to buy these things that have brought themselves down in the first place. The unfortunate have disposed of their opportunity, it is our role as Christians to bring God's Grace back to them.

So do you give to the poor? Many people may think it depends on the homeless person. The ones who quietly sit on the sidewalk with a sign, I don't give money, more often than not we all know it may go towards drugs or alcohol. I've done several times, however, offered food or drink and they have gladly accepted it. The arrogant ones who pester and curse at people who walk pass generally are avoided by people. I, myself shun away from these homeless people, essentially because they have no gratitude or respect. Although contrary to this selfish feeling of mine, compassion and sorrow runs through me as I turn my back from them.
Remembering from one experience - I was queueing at a busy McDonald's on one afternoon, it was just prior to World Youth Day, which meant lots of foreigners are pretty much out and about - celebrating before encountering the Pope. Once I queued for my order, this rather scruffy and beaten down elderly man, wearing a worn out brown cloak came in from Broadway St. It seemed like he was half high and I did not know what he wanted until he looked straight into my eyes. He approached me slowly and asked me to buy him something from the menu. When he asked me I politely refused but he persisted, asking repeatedly for an ice cream. I finally submitted due to the fact he was drawing attention and embarressment to myself. I replied: 'Fine just an ice cream'. However, just momentarily after I said that, he requested: 'Oh and a cheeseburger too please'. How selfish, I thought. Suddenly the manager aproached him, asking him to leave the premises. Unsurprisingly, he wouldn't, so the manager threatened she'd have to call the police. Once he walked out, I not only felt sad for him, but sad for myself for not reaching him furthermore.

This 'event' occured on a Tuesday afternoon. The following day I had a church service, and miraculously (literally), the word of God came into my heart - preaching on the topic of making your inner will of God to break free and deliver justice to people who are in need. This meant not shying away from people who hold 'Need Help' signs on the street. Not turning your back to the face of despair. Not detering your eyes somewhere else, hoping to forget these things quickly - but instead focus your eyes on the clear problem that lies today. Break free of the chains that the Devil has set society upon you! Release the self-consciousness and self-esteem of worry in fright that your image may be seen by others as 'weird' or statements like 'why would he be doing that, it's useless'. I was disappointed in myself when the beggar walked out of McDonald's, because in the midst of the customers and employees, I was afraid what other people thought of me afterwards. This could be anywhere on the streets. I thank God for the Word being delivered to me on the Wednesday service, being so fortunate to be at Hillsong Church, hearing the Gospel that really motivates you to deliver God's will.

However, be wary how you deliver your willl of God to the needy.
Matthew 6:1-2 "Be careful not to do your 'acts of righteousness' in front of others, to be seen by them. So when you give to the needy, do not announce it with trumpets, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honoured by others." I cannot stress this any further as laid out from the Bible. Do not serve God's will out of recognition for others. This will only lead to lust and greed. Instead, glorify the work you have done for Him, and He will reward you in the Kingdom of Heaven.

Phew.. almost took me 2 hours to type this on FB! Sorry to take up your precious Facebook time! Just had to write something at 3am... :P

In the end of this note, I would just like to say let the Holy Spirit inside of you flourish for the work of God and out of selflessness. Do not let it be contained inside as if it were restraining the true meaning of God's will. Let it come out and break free!!!
Thanks for reading!

"With God all things are possible"
Matt 19:26


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