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My understanding of 'Citizen Journalism'

6:13 PM / Posted by Citizen David /

I think Citizen journalism is journalism for citizens of the general society. Over the past few years the world has witnessed a surge in the use of new media - especially those based on the Internet. This allows a wide availability and access to personal entries and records of civilians.

The development of social networking websites such as Facebook, YouTube and MySpace and the use of instant messaging technologies such as Skype, Yahoo and MSN have changed the way people use the Internet.

Ordinary citizens are now generating their own news content and distributing high-quality real-world experiences through social networking to an ever-increasing audience For some, citizen journalism it is a way to have fun with content while for others it's about resisting the establishment, including the corporate media.

Citizen journalism gives a voice to the voiceless - a way of telling 'my story'. This allows citizen journalists to tell their story from a first person point of view, allowing them to voice their certain opinion and views - which are more often than not, much different than mainstream news which are from the media.


Comment by Yammi Lee on November 2, 2008 at 6:52 PM

I agree with your point that citizen journalism allows people to voice out their opinions because there are not much chances for them to express themselves to the public. Blogs help people to get their words published on the internet. And that blogs are a much simpler way as there is not much technology involved when using it.

Comment by Kayu on November 2, 2008 at 6:57 PM

I strongly agree with what you say by journalism allows people to voice their comment.

particular from the help with using blog. General public can also say what they are not allow or banned to say in the public. By the way., ideas from citizen journalism are always un-expectable, but its good, since we can understand more from different angle.

Anonymous on November 2, 2008 at 7:45 PM

I agree that citizen journalism can be used just to have fun with content and it can also be used in corporate media. This just shows the versatility of the media as a whole. It is also true that social networking websites have made Internet a much more fun place. For example, look how many people are addicted to Facebook nowadays! I think you can find almost everyone from our school in there..

By the way, interesting pictures you have there :)

Comment by Sunny on November 6, 2008 at 3:19 AM

I agree with you, David.:-)
Citizen journalism can have people’s own voice and view. It is well-known that there are fewer opportunities to show and express average people’s voice in the public and media press. So, it has brought the increase of citizen journalism and use of personal website or blog.

anyway you did really well~kk

Comment by Kathy Stevko on November 6, 2008 at 3:30 PM

Hey my lovely friend, im agree with your opinion, it is such as very simple way to write down in the blog.
it is easy and yeah it can be used in corporate media. even for the blogger now, they can just send their kink to social networking and let people see your blog, thats so easy.

Comment by Citizen David on November 9, 2008 at 8:21 PM

First of all, thank you for all your comments.
2nd.. Why doesn't anyone disagree with me!!?!?!?

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