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2:36 AM / Posted by Citizen David /

Hey guys! Check out our new group blog!
This blog is about domestic INSEARCH students who are currently facing new government schemes to articulate into UTS.

This is a cause for concern so please check it out and drop a comment!



Comment by PekingDuckMan on December 4, 2008 at 11:27 PM

So are you actually going to use the blog?

Comment by Citizen David on December 7, 2008 at 7:11 AM

btw , who is this?

Comment by 07-20 on May 5, 2009 at 6:55 AM

I think the government has working hard to make the local students to have more competitive potential to survive with the raise of international market in the future. The beginning point would tough or might sounds like experiment for you guys. It seems doesn’t fair. However, in the long run, it’s actually benefiting the next generation.

A similar issue also happened in my country where the government trying push English as our formal education language. The current affected generation claims that they are unable to score well due to the language it used wasn’t their mother language. Some political peoples involved in the argument due to their children whose have been affected. I believed, in the long run, next generation will be beneficial in new government policy. However, is it fair to satisfy the current affected generation?

Comment by user on August 12, 2009 at 10:09 AM


this is not the issue of benefiting the next generation or sacrificing the current generation to achieve political or economic gain in the future, it is merely the fact of misinformation and unfair marketing schemes. You could even say that this could even breach certain Human Rights/Welfare of education prevention!

When students first enrolled into Insearch, they applied with the provided knowledge that upon graduation, they will articulate into UTS with a guaranteed spot.

This is no longer the case when during mid way of the course, we were told that this articulation will no longer be affect and that we local students, must compete with other non school leaver students.

In the end, this is entirely my viewpoint and the Rudd government would completely write me off.

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